Every year, there are thousands of returning Atlantic Puffins from the sea that roost on a variety of islands off the Atlantic Coast of Maine and nearby Canada.  This year was no different and a Hunt’s Photo and Video, week-long Photo Adventure with Don Toothaker and Mark Buckler to the “Bold Coast,” allowed my second, successful visit to watch them up close on Machias Seal Island.  What an opportunity to listen to them talk to each other, to hear them pitter-patter across the top of the blind that I and others shared for what felt like only a nano second from the time entering the building.   It also was fun watching them doing all kinds of acrobatics – both in the air and on their chosen landing locations amongst the cliffs and rocks of the island.  But the best of all was watching the Puffins preening, they were hilarious and true contortionists at their best.  Hope you enjoy the images and at some point in the future — I wish you well in being able to see the Puffins yourself and preserving memories of your own. [Be sure to remember to double click on images to enlarge them.]